BBC Documentary: The Cult of TB Joshua, Shocking revelation

A three-part British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) documentary has shed light on the concealed life of the late Pastor Temitope Balogun Joshua, also known as TB Joshua, founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

The documentary which released its first segment today on January 8, exposes instances of sexual exploitation, staged miracles, cover-ups, and manipulation that spanned over two decades. The BBC conducted interviews with at least 30 former members and workers of SCOAN to uncover the truth. The documentary is titled The Cult of TB Joshua.

Sexual Exploitation and Manipulation Unveiled.

TB Joshua

The first part of the documentary uncovers the sexual exploitation orchestrated by TB Joshua, affecting members of his congregation for more than two decades. Survivors revealed instances of abuse, harassment, forced sexual, and manipulation, with some being coerced into having abortions. Former disciples shared harrowing experiences, recounting how they were manipulated, silenced, and threatened into submission. TB Joshua justified these acts by claiming they were for the salvation of the

SCOAN’s Involvement in Cover-Ups and Deceptive Practices

The documentary exposes how SCOAN shielded its congregation from the truth about the collapse of one of its guesthouses in 2014. The building had structural defects, but members were misled with a false narrative about an aircraft flying over it. Additionally, the investigation revealed that individuals were dismembered under the rubble, and deceased bodies were transported in SCOAN ambulances to conceal the true extent of the disaster from the press. Mistreatment and Ostracization Within the Church The documentary delves into the mistreatment of TB Joshua’s daughter born out of wedlock, Ajoke, who was expelled from the church after confronting her father about sexual abuse allegations. Former members also described instances of humiliation inflicted on individuals within the church, including Constance Marten, allegedly ‘groomed’ by TB Joshua. YouTube Suspension and Controversial Remarks In a significant turn of events in April 2021, YouTube made the decision to suspend the channel of renowned pastor TB Joshua, known for his Emmanuel TV broadcasts.

The suspension came in the wake of highly controversial remarks made by TB Joshua regarding the alleged connection between homosexuality and demonic possession. This move by YouTube sparked widespread debate and criticism, as the platform took a stance against content that was deemed to be promoting harmful beliefs and contributing to discrimination. Marten’s Personal Transformation and Distressing Experience Francis Agolo, the ex-partner of Constance Marten, shed light on her significant transformation after spending time in Nigeria, particularly in a compound associated with TB Joshua.

He observed a noticeable shift in her demeanour, describing her as caring and loving before the experience but withdrawn and distressed thereafter. Marten, who had shared her harrowing ordeal of living among 50 girls in a religious cult, highlighted the leader’s overpowering influence. The cult leader dismissed their families and asserted himself as the sole father figure, showcasing the extent of control and manipulation within the group. Watch the first episode of the BBC Documentary below:

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